Tuesday, June 15, 2010

E3 Project Natal Launch Party, Pics & Video!

My friend Elizabeth, @mintcool on Twitter was kind enough to give ME passes for Microsoft's' BIG E3 2K10 Party event (My own nickname, in honor of 2K sports ass kickery on Dreamcast. Its only fitting!) This was more than just a party, it was an experience. It really reminded me of how SONY went large, on teh VERY first E3 in L.A. (They used to be in Atlanta, WAY back in the day) which I attended. This was when they announced the original PlayStation and simultaneously invented the modern game booth behmoth. Sony cordoned off half the main floor in the convention center and built a mini city. With an open bar. And PlayStation. Lett hat sink in. Anyhow, this was much mroe family friendly and really seemed to have a positive vive and had a 'unity theme' to it, along with the evolution in gaming; Project Natal.

Also, you can find video which I shot on my HTC EVO 4G of the worlds first public unveiling of the new X Box 360!

Download now or watch on posterous
VIDEO0003.3gp (13298 KB)

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